Happy Halloween! To the all the ghost and goblins enjoying getting their treats tonight, be safe. Thanks, as always, to the industry for all the snack food items. Go bobbing for apples, try pumpkin bowling.

Archive for October, 2010
27 Oct
Too many activities, advisory board taking shape, web site redo is talking place, new program content under development. Lots activity is the industry, what are you doing? Comment on your happenings, farm, ranch, organization, association.
15 Oct
Back in Cheyenne after the AgriFuture Conference in Evanston, WY. This conference was great! The Thursday session was opened by WY Dept of Ag Director Jason Fearneyhough. His opening statement was recorded as he explained the agenda for the day. Rep Cynthia Lummis from WY and Dr. Jay Lehr also spoke during the morning session. Their speeches will get uploaded as well.
The morning break out sessions centered on what issues the attendees see facing the industry as a whole. Education, public perception, media focus (a topic close to our heart), funding, regulations and many more topics were noted throughout the sessions. A theme that kept coming up how many in the industry feel that most non ag folks don’t understand or stereotype the industry.
AGTV Network understands how complex this issue is facing the industry. This issue along with several others underscores the need for a media outlet that is pro ag instead of neutral or anti ag. AGTV Network was able to network with several prominent individuals within the ag industry. There is clear need from the attendees AGTV Network spoke with that a media outlet is needed.
The were 4 different afternoon session, had to pick one. AGTV Network chose social networking. The mediator for this session was Advocates for Ag out of SD. These folks explained and demonstarted the power of social networking for ag. It is evident that individuals within the industry understand the power of using social media. How do you use Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Blog? Do you have a blog? These questions along with many others started the attendees thinking.
AGTV Network extends its thanks to the WY Dept of AG, WY Business Council, Rep Lummins, and everyone else who spoke at or attended the conference. It is clearly a very positive step that the industry in WY.
Also a very special thanks to the attendees (students and instructor) from Laramie County Community College, Block and Bridle Club. AGTV Network set down with this group and learned about who will help lead our industry. This group represents the future of the industry, even though on a small scale, they underscore the importance of getting our youth (junior high through university degrees) educated in various ag disciplines for the future of the industry.
AGTV network will get the videos loaded and post more as conference materials are gone through.
13 Oct
In Evanston WY for AgriFuture Conference, missed the reception tonight but tomorrow and Friday are sure to be busy.
11 Oct
Food Safety is topic that may not make mainstream media until an incident occurs. As members of the industry we know that food safety and security is a topic that is most importance. There are agencies whose focus is partially food safety and security. What steps as a whole does the industry take to insure our food supply is safe. How are you involved? What is your opinion regarding this topic?