What direction do you think the industry is headed? How much technology do you use for farming, ranching, agribusiness or your organization? Is there to much technology? Are youth active in your community with FFA and / or 4-H? These are just a few of the topics that we will cover. There are so many more, as an advisor…y board member have a say in how the company grows. Contact us.

Archive for September, 2010
30 Sep
Fall harvest is in full swing throughout the midwest. What are you yeilds like so far? What is the typical moisture levels for corn? Running corn or beans? Is weather impacting getting the crop out? Is your grain storage full but still crop in the field? Does the local elevator have enough storage? Share your opinions, numbers and thoughts on this season.
28 Sep
Ever want to know the future of the industry? Then Evanston WY is the place to be in Oct, 13-15. Register now to get insights on the industry. Follow this link http://wyagric.state.wy.us/component/content/article/212
Also does your State, association or organization have a similar event or events to discuss the future of the industry? If you know of an event, conference or meeting let The AGTV Network know.
26 Sep
Dad once said “son, you can take the boy off the farm, but you can never take the farm out of the the boy”. Dad instilled in me my love for agriculture. I learned everything I know about grain farming, livestock, fence repair, driving a manual transmission, working cattle, original social networking (local cafe) and a whole lot more from Dad, who turns 80 today and still farms today so HAPPY BIRTHDAY!