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Archive for May, 2010

31 May

Happy Memorial Day!

30 May

Individual thanks coming for Twitter followers!

30 May

Get registered the K.A.L.F. Kids Agricultural Learning Fest June 8 2010 at American Royal in Kansas City. Follow the link to get registered https://forms.americanroyal.com/default.aspx?formID=323

29 May

Advisory board has to expand. Need individuals from financial, media and agriculture industries.

29 May

Happy Memorial Day Weekend! The AGTV Network says thank you to the industry for the dedication. All those cookouts and BBQs wouldn’t be possible without you and to the floral industry. Lots of flowers and greenery will be placed in remembrance of those who have fallen in service to our country and loved ones. A very special thank you to all who are serving our country and those who have served. Have a great weekend.